Ishowspeed im gay meme

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IShowSpeed is expected to have a net worth of about $100,000 by the year 2021. Darren is a sophomore in high school, which means he is presently in his second year of high school. Darren was still certain that he should not attend college prior to starting his YouTube channel. He did, however, contemplate attending a vocational school or concentrating on athletics. However, he claims that YouTube has changed everything for him and that he will continue to concentrate on the platform. He is even considering dropping out of high school next year because he believes that high school is exhausting him and that if he could devote all of his time to YouTube, he would be able to make significant progress much more quickly. His family has struggled to comprehend what he is doing and the value he is adding to the world, just as any adolescent would expect them to struggle. When he reached 100k followers on YouTube and informed his mother, his mother’s response was uninspiring, which made him irritated and he left the house.

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