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Made by Darabont green mile and 2001 majestic while waiting the fogMoment-and it finally came when Bob Weinstein of Dimension Films committed to a $17 million production budget with the director ending as is. wanted to make the fog As his first project in the horror genre – and in doing so he has done an unforgettable feat that has smashed audiences since debuting in theaters on November 21, 2007.Īccording to Scott von Dowiak Frequently Asked Questions About Stephen King MoviesFrank Darabont first chose “The Mist” after making it The Shawshank Redemption in the mid-1990s, but his insistence not to change his proposed ending led to studios turning down the project. The Shawshank Redemption And the green mile They are colossal adaptations of works that illustrate the extent of the author, and are among the most beloved in modern cinema.īut for his third movie King, Darabont decided to try something different.

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Frank Darabont spent the early years of his career as a director preaching to the world that Stephen King was more than just a horror writer.

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